Θέλετε να επικοινωνήσετε με το εμπορικό μας τμήμα;


  • Προμήθεια ,αντικατάστασή και συντήρηση φίλτρων αέρα, αφυγραντών ιονιστών, αρμών κλπ
  • Μελέτη -προμήθεια – κατασκευή συστημάτων κλιματισμού (HVAC Systems)
  • Μελέτη –προμήθεια –εγκατάσταση συστημάτων αφυγρανσης
  • Συστήματα ψύξης – θέρμανσης
  • Συστήματα ελέγχου περιβάλλοντος
  • Μελέτη- προμήθεια – κατασκευή συστημάτων αντιρρύπανσης
  • Έλεγχος, αναβάθμιση και συντήρηση κλιματιστικών μονάδων
  • Συμβόλαιά συντήρησης
  • 24ωρη κάλυψη και συντήρηση σε όλη την Ελλάδα
  • Μελέτη συστημάτων καθαρισμού του αέρα


Air Filters

AAC KALAVRIAS Fresh air, pleasant environment, fight against germs, now we can feel, smell and see the fresh air. Through a wide range of options, air filters offer us pleasant interior spaces, protect our equipment and valuable objects, provide us with ideal conditions for research and production. Without the ability to create and offer you

Air Curtains

AAC KALAVRIAS Air curtains are divided into 3 large groups: Commercial type, General, and industrial type. They serve as boundaries between indoor and outdoor space. They act as a closed door that prevents the invasion of external conditions such as hot, cold or unfiltered air and are designed to maintain the required climate in the


AAC KALAVRIAS Extraction arms or local exhausts are machines that help us in various kinds of tasks, providing us with a reliable and durable ally in our every move. Local and immediate disposal of pollutants and particles is the best way to deal with them that offers you: Better performance Lower cost Supervised work areas


AAC KALAVRIAS In a country like Greece, where we are surrounded by the sea and the development of high humidity conditions is part of our everyday life, the solution of dehydration is one way. Humidity is a phenomenon that usually appears after it has already infiltrated and created the conditions for its expansion, making the


AAC KALAVRIAS If you want to live in the city, breath as if you are in the mountains and have lungs like those of children the solution is one. Ionization of the air is something really simple but its beneficial effects are innumerable. The use of an ionization system in an industrial and work environment

Scrubber – Powder collectors

AAC KALAVRIAS Our company has been for over 35 years a pioneer in the field of fresh air and having known better than anyone the air purification and management systems offers vertical solutions by studying and installing anti-pollution systems, scrubber and dust collection systems in collaboration with the best companies in the world. They are